
Maundy Thursday: A Journey Through Holy Week
This is day four of a six day free Holy Week offering. On this Maundy Thursday and beginning of the Easter Triduum, in the Passion Libretto Part III: The Prince of this World, Cynthia talks about Jesus facing what is in the shadows of collective psychosis, madness, and frenzy. She invites us to do the same by way of asking ourselves how we might stand in truth and courageously see what is in our own shadow, how we participate in collective sin and stoke the fires of madness and frenzy. This gain in self-knowledge and deepening sense of humility allows us to stay in the truth which always sets us free.

Holy Wednesday: A Journey Through Holy Week
This is day three of a six day free Holy Week offering. On this Holy Wednesday, in the Passion Libretto Part II: Gethsemane, Cynthia brings us to Jesus’ struggle and anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane. She says it is a day when the lights go out and all is winding down before things go completely dark. It is a spiritually generative yet excruciating birthing time when Jesus looked to the support of his friends to stand by and stay awake with him in the pain, yet they could not be present to him.

Holy Tuesday: A Journey Through Holy Week
This is day two of a six day free Holy Week offering. On this Holy Tuesday, in the Passion Libretto Part I: The Farewell Discourse, Cynthia focuses on the voluntary nature of substituted love reminding us that Jesus freely gave of his life rather than being coerced into it as a victim of hate. She shares why she chose the text on the Farewell Discourse from the Gospel of John to start out and set the meaning and context of the passion.

Holy Monday: A Journey Through Holy Week
Welcome, this Holy Monday to the first of six emails you will receive, one per day from today through Holy Saturday. Every day will offer an invitation to each of us for reflection, prayer and meditation individually yet together in the heart of God. These daily emails will include written text, music, and a video commentary by our teacher Cynthia Bourgeault focusing on a five part libretto she put together back in 2004.