Get Involved
If you want to engage with Cynthia’s teaching more fully, here are some of her major networks.
All of these are websites lead you to interactive membership communities, offering you opportunities to make contact, request information, sign up for events, and donate to help support the work. We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to meeting you in person!
Wisdom Waypoints
Wisdom Waypoints is Cynthia’s Wisdom community “home base,” and anchors a lively and growing international network of individuals, small communities, and emerging Wisdom teachers. Under the guidance of a dedicated “Wisdom Council,” WWP is building a comprehensive and interactive communications network, filled with resources and learning options: a virtual Wisdom university! Offerings include practice group listings, events, writings, and interactive opportunities both with Cynthia’s teaching and with fellow Wisdom students. Wisdo Waypoints is the sponsoring organization for Cynthia’s highly popular annual Stonington Wisdom Ingathering and for most of her regional New England and mid-Atlantic retreat work.
The Contemplative Society
Based in British Columbia Canada, The Contemplative Society is Cynthia’s pilot Wisdom community and the Wisdom hub for the Pacific Northwest. Its unique claim to fame is an extraordinary series of audio teachings dating back to 1999 and literally marking the emergence and evolution of this particular lineage. While most of these audios are Cynthia Bourgeault’s teaching, an increasing number of emerging Wisdom voices are also included in these offerings, including Matthew Wright and Mirabai Starr.
The Wisdom Way of Knowing
Wisdom Way of Knowing is the creation of artistic and entrepreneurial genius Robbin Brent, who early on saw the need to record and produce Cynthia’s teachings. The collection of this content has been a labor of love for both present and future generations of Wisdom seekers. Initially offering a comprehensive resource library of Wisdom-related content, Robbin has since transitioned the site to an eCourse portal for online offerings featuring curated video recordings of Cynthia’s prior Wisdom Schools.
The Center for Action and Contemplation
Cynthia is an emeritus core faculty member of the Living School for Action and Contemplation (CAC). A number of Cynthia’s online courses continue to be hosted by CAC. You can find details in their course catalog listings here.
Contribute to Cynthia’s Work
You can contribute to Cynthia’s work at Wisdom Waypoints, Cynthia’s home base organization.